Monday, August 4, 2008

dreams about appliances?

I keep having this reoccurring dream where Gene Krupa rips my arms off me and starts playing drums with them, and as the dream goes on my head, torso and rump become drums and he plays them rather violently....
However last night I had a different set of dreams, possibly set off by the fact that I slept in the living room and not my bedroom due to the overwhelming heat.
The first one involved me throwing the lid to my coffee pot away and slowly having to deal with the fact that i could no longer pull the pot out mid brew, or else coffee would go everywhere. In the dream this was a horrible thing and created several bizarre situations.
The second one had me filling the garbage disposal with ice, supposedly under the pretense that it would sharpen the blades of the disposal, under severe protests from the people in my house.
This led to my disposal jamming and the ice refusing to melt because the disposal had gotten cold. After several attempts at getting the ice down the disposal i got the disposal to spin again, but it filled the house with shaved ice and gave off the appearance of snow. This as always would be the point where i was awoken by Gunter stumbling through the house for his morning cigarette.

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